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Course Id :21
Posted Date :8/4/2020 12:00:00 AM
Category :Access Control and Security Management
Subject :GENERAL

What Will I Learn?




  • Introduction
  • Meaning and Need
  • Methods for Implementing Access Control
  • Access Control Measures for Persons
  • Controlling Access of Vehicles
  • Areas of Concern  for Effective Access Control
  • Revision Questionnaire





The cause of security can be furthered simply by making it more ( or, to be more accurate – less easy ) for criminals to get into the premises being protected. And these premises should then be protected from criminal attacks by denying ready access to interior spaces in the event exterior barriers are surmounted by the determined intruder.                                                                                     


What is Access Control? 


As per the dictionary, ‘Access’ means approach or admission. If an unauthorized approach or admission is controlled, it is said to be affecting access control. But it is only one part of access control. In fact, it includes all the measures taken to screen and stop all inward or outward movement of unauthorized persons and material. Thus, the access control means all measures, which are implemented at any facility, to screen and stop the unwanted and unauthorized person and material so that the integrity and the security of the facility remain intact.  


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